// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // scrollme // a jquery plugin for adding simple scrolling effects to web pages // http://scrollme.nckprsn.com // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var scrollme = ( function( $ ) { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // scrollme object var _this = {}; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // properties var $document = $( document ); var $window = $( window ); _this.body_height = 0; _this.viewport_height = 0; _this.viewport_top = 0; _this.viewport_bottom = 0; _this.viewport_top_previous = -1; _this.elements = []; _this.elements_in_view = []; _this.property_defaults = { 'opacity' : 1, 'translatex' : 0, 'translatey' : 0, 'translatez' : 0, 'rotatex' : 0, 'rotatey' : 0, 'rotatez' : 0, 'scale' : 1, 'scalex' : 1, 'scaley' : 1, 'scalez' : 1 }; _this.scrollme_selector = '.scrollme'; _this.animateme_selector = '.animateme'; _this.update_interval = 10; // easing functions _this.easing_functions = { 'linear' : function( x ) { return x; }, 'easeout' : function( x ) { return x * x * x; }, 'easein' : function( x ) { x = 1 - x; return 1 - ( x * x * x ); }, 'easeinout' : function( x ) { if( x < 0.5 ) { return ( 4 * x * x * x ); } else { x = 1 - x; return 1 - ( 4 * x * x * x ) ; } } }; // document events to bind initialisation to _this.init_events = [ 'ready', 'page:load', // turbolinks 'page:change' // turbolinks ]; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialisation conditions _this.init_if = function() { return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialisation _this.init = function() { // cancel if initialisation conditions not met if( !_this.init_if() ) return false; // load all elements to animate _this.init_elements(); // get element & viewport sizes _this.on_resize(); // recalculate heights & positions on resize and rotate $window.on( 'resize orientationchange' , function(){ _this.on_resize(); } ); // recalculate heights & positions when page is fully loaded + a bit just in case $window.load( function(){ settimeout( function(){ _this.on_resize(); } , 100 ) }); // start animating setinterval( _this.update , _this.update_interval ); return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get list and pre-load animated elements _this.init_elements = function() { // for each reference element $( _this.scrollme_selector ).each( function() { var element = {}; element.element = $( this ); var effects = []; // for each animated element $( this ).find( _this.animateme_selector ).addback( _this.animateme_selector ).each( function() { // get effect details var effect = {}; effect.element = $( this ); effect.when = effect.element.data( 'when' ); effect.from = effect.element.data( 'from' ); effect.to = effect.element.data( 'to' ); if( effect.element.is( '[data-crop]' ) ) { effect.crop = effect.element.data( 'crop' ); } else { effect.crop = true; } if( effect.element.is( '[data-easing]' ) ) { effect.easing = _this.easing_functions[ effect.element.data( 'easing' ) ] } else { effect.easing = _this.easing_functions[ 'easeout' ]; } // get animated properties var properties = {}; if( effect.element.is( '[data-opacity]' ) ) properties.opacity = effect.element.data( 'opacity' ); if( effect.element.is( '[data-translatex]' ) ) properties.translatex = effect.element.data( 'translatex' ); if( effect.element.is( '[data-translatey]' ) ) properties.translatey = effect.element.data( 'translatey' ); if( effect.element.is( '[data-translatez]' ) ) properties.translatez = effect.element.data( 'translatez' ); if( effect.element.is( '[data-rotatex]' ) ) properties.rotatex = effect.element.data( 'rotatex' ); if( effect.element.is( '[data-rotatey]' ) ) properties.rotatey = effect.element.data( 'rotatey' ); if( effect.element.is( '[data-rotatez]' ) ) properties.rotatez = effect.element.data( 'rotatez' ); if( effect.element.is( '[data-scale]' ) ) properties.scale = effect.element.data( 'scale' ); if( effect.element.is( '[data-scalex]' ) ) properties.scalex = effect.element.data( 'scalex' ); if( effect.element.is( '[data-scaley]' ) ) properties.scaley = effect.element.data( 'scaley' ); if( effect.element.is( '[data-scalez]' ) ) properties.scalez = effect.element.data( 'scalez' ); effect.properties = properties; effects.push( effect ); }); element.effects = effects; _this.elements.push( element ); }); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // update elements _this.update = function() { window.requestanimationframe( function() { _this.update_viewport_position(); if( _this.viewport_top_previous != _this.viewport_top ) { _this.update_elements_in_view(); _this.animate(); } _this.viewport_top_previous = _this.viewport_top; }); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // animate stuff _this.animate = function() { // for each element in viewport var elements_in_view_length = _this.elements_in_view.length; for( var i=0 ; i ( _this.body_height - _this.viewport_height ) ) end = _this.body_height - _this.viewport_height; } // get scroll position of reference selector var scroll = ( _this.viewport_top - start ) / ( end - start ); // get relative scroll position for effect var from = effect[ 'from' ]; var to = effect[ 'to' ]; var length = to - from; var scroll_relative = ( scroll - from ) / length; // apply easing var scroll_eased = effect.easing( scroll_relative ); // get new value for each property var opacity = _this.animate_value( scroll , scroll_eased , from , to , effect , 'opacity' ); var translatey = _this.animate_value( scroll , scroll_eased , from , to , effect , 'translatey' ); var translatex = _this.animate_value( scroll , scroll_eased , from , to , effect , 'translatex' ); var translatez = _this.animate_value( scroll , scroll_eased , from , to , effect , 'translatez' ); var rotatex = _this.animate_value( scroll , scroll_eased , from , to , effect , 'rotatex' ); var rotatey = _this.animate_value( scroll , scroll_eased , from , to , effect , 'rotatey' ); var rotatez = _this.animate_value( scroll , scroll_eased , from , to , effect , 'rotatez' ); var scale = _this.animate_value( scroll , scroll_eased , from , to , effect , 'scale' ); var scalex = _this.animate_value( scroll , scroll_eased , from , to , effect , 'scalex' ); var scaley = _this.animate_value( scroll , scroll_eased , from , to , effect , 'scaley' ); var scalez = _this.animate_value( scroll , scroll_eased , from , to , effect , 'scalez' ); // override scale values if( 'scale' in effect.properties ) { scalex = scale; scaley = scale; scalez = scale; } // update properties effect.element.css( { 'opacity' : opacity, 'transform' : 'translate3d( '+translatex+'px , '+translatey+'px , '+translatez+'px ) rotatex( '+rotatex+'deg ) rotatey( '+rotatey+'deg ) rotatez( '+rotatez+'deg ) scale3d( '+scalex+' , '+scaley+' , '+scalez+' )' } ); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // calculate property values _this.animate_value = function( scroll , scroll_eased , from , to , effect , property ) { var value_default = _this.property_defaults[ property ]; // return default value if property is not animated if( !( property in effect.properties ) ) return value_default; var value_target = effect.properties[ property ]; var forwards = ( to > from ) ? true : false; // return boundary value if outside effect boundaries if( scroll < from && forwards ) { return value_default; } if( scroll > to && forwards ) { return value_target; } if( scroll > from && !forwards ) { return value_default; } if( scroll < to && !forwards ) { return value_target; } // calculate new property value var new_value = value_default + ( scroll_eased * ( value_target - value_default ) ); // round as required switch( property ) { case 'opacity' : new_value = new_value.tofixed(2); break; case 'translatex' : new_value = new_value.tofixed(0); break; case 'translatey' : new_value = new_value.tofixed(0); break; case 'translatez' : new_value = new_value.tofixed(0); break; case 'rotatex' : new_value = new_value.tofixed(1); break; case 'rotatey' : new_value = new_value.tofixed(1); break; case 'rotatez' : new_value = new_value.tofixed(1); break; case 'scale' : new_value = new_value.tofixed(3); break; default : break; } // done return new_value; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // update viewport position _this.update_viewport_position = function() { _this.viewport_top = $window.scrolltop(); _this.viewport_bottom = _this.viewport_top + _this.viewport_height; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // update list of elements in view _this.update_elements_in_view = function() { _this.elements_in_view = []; var elements_length = _this.elements.length; for( var i=0 ; i _this.viewport_top ) ) { _this.elements_in_view.push( _this.elements[i] ); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // stuff to do on resize _this.on_resize = function() { // update viewport/element data _this.update_viewport(); _this.update_element_heights(); // update display _this.update_viewport_position(); _this.update_elements_in_view(); _this.animate(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // update viewport parameters _this.update_viewport = function() { _this.body_height = $document.height(); _this.viewport_height = $window.height(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // update height of animated elements _this.update_element_heights = function() { var elements_length = _this.elements.length; for( var i=0 ; i